Hey! I’m Mansi, I started this blog in 2019 as an interesting means of expressing my ideas, projects, inspirations and daydreams. It has constantly evolved ever since and become more fashion & lifestyle oriented.
I personally write all posts which vary from fashion to beauty to trends to food and then some more. It will give you an opportunity to get to know me better and allow me to share all the things I’m passionate about.
The blog has six main categories:
Fashion & Lifestyle – This section pertains to collections, designers, jewelry, trends, shoes and unique areas of inspiration
Beauty – The Beauty products I use personally, makeup I love, reviews of beauty products, products I use on a daily basis, products you will find in my bag, etc.

HEALTHY LIFESTYLE - I will share all tips how you can live an healthy lifestyle. What exercise ,meditation or relaxation techniques you can use to live an healthy life.Not only this I will also share my healthy life tips and also how you can improve your outer beauty with home remedies. 

Travel – Places I’ve been, want to go, vacations and such.
Media – This is a section which is a collection of the different media (newspapers, magazines, etc) in which this blog or I myself have been featured. Obviously there is constant hope and wishing that this section keeps growing!
Shop – This section is a regularly updated & personally curated compilation of the current ‘Objects Of My Desire’, items that are on my #wishlist which you can shop too from my favourite websites. Its a look into my personal style and gives you a glimpse of stuff that I would love to own/wear.
I am very grateful for all my readers and followers whose support grows every single day which in turn motivates me constantly to make a better effort towards my blog.
Write to me at: nigammansi81@gmail.com


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